Nixa Community Foundation

Nixa Community Foundation


Community Organizations

About Us

The NCF is a tax-exempt public charity, serving the Nixa Area in Christian County by allowing people to establish charitable funds. Grants awarded yearly to charitable, nonprofit groups. LEAVE A LEGACY®


  • Making our community a better place to live
  • Helping our Nixa students grow to their full potential
  • Helping keep our residents fed and healthy
  • Looking for innovative ideas and projects to better Nixa
  • Bridging the gap between givers and helpers


The Nixa Community Foundation was the very first affiliate foundation for Community Foundation of the Ozarks and was established in 1993.
The Nixa Community Foundation acts as a bridge between donors who want to make Nixa a better place to live and those organizations and institutions whose goals are to implement that very thing.
Since 1993, NCF has awarded over $2.5 million with the aim of making life better for Nixa residents and making our community a place we can all be proud of.
NCF donates $5,000 to establish the Dr. Kleinsmith Fund for Nixa Public Schools
What NCF is all about . . .
Books purchased for the "Hall of Heroes" at John Thomas School of Discovery through a grant from NCF.
NCF provides grant monies for worthwhile projects for many Nixa groups, including the Boy Scouts.
NCF donates funds for construction of a recreational room for the families staying at the Christian County Family Crisis Center.

Rep/Contact Info

Mitch Callicott
Board of Directors
Leigh Hall
Card image cap
Paul Johns
board of directors
Janice White
Board of Directors
Sharon Whitehill
Vice President
Sharon Whitehill