Adopt-A-Class/Club Invitation/Mixer
We need more businesses to participate! If you can't make it to the mixer you can still participate in adopt a class. Please sign up with the link provided.
Please email for a reminder email when the forms are ready.
It's time to sign up for our Annual Adopt-A-Class program with the Nixa Schools for K-6th Grades. In addition we are looking at adding an Adopt-A-Club program for 7-12th grades as well.
What is Adopt-A-Class/Club?
Adopt-A-Class is an exciting opportunity for Chamber members to bring real-world experiences to our students in Nixa. Nixa Area Chamber of Commerce businesses and organizations are invited to participate in the Adopt-A-Class program for Nixa Public Schools.
This year we are working on introducing a way to Adopt-A-Club in the 7th -12th grades such as Cooking, FBLA, DECCA, French, Spanish, and many more. We are still working on details so please let us know if you are interested in this type of program. More details coming soon.
What is Required to Adopt-A-Class/Club?
· A minimum requirement of two planned events that advance learning in the classroom.
· There is no fee to adopt a classroom or a club.
· Class time is mutually agreed upon time between the business and teacher.
· Your experience with your class can be as simple or as elaborate as you and your teacher choose.
We're also having a Mixer on November 25th from 4-6 pm at the Nixa Chamber office. This will be a simple meet and greet and we will go over the details of the AAC program. It's free to attend and we will be providing snacks and drinks. Not required to attend to participate in the program.
When registering, let us know how how you will be participating.
For more information please call Nixa Chamber office at 725-1545 or email director at
Date and Time
Monday Nov 25, 2019
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM CST
PRE-K through 6th Grade: Normal Program
7th-12th details still developing, please RSVP if you are interested in the Adopt A Club program
MIXER INFO: If you will be attending, please RSVP for a head count for food. Thank You
Contact Information
Nixa Area Chamber 417 725-1545
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