M-TH 10-3
Services: Sunday 9:00am, 10:15am
Youth (6th-12th grade) Service: Wednesday 7:00pm
Driving Directions:
Tracker Rd and HWY 160
We exist to be a safe place for people to find and follow Jesus. No matter how your life journey looks like, we hope you will feel at home here. We are one church that meets in multiple locations around Springfield, Nixa, and Republic, MO.
No matter what kind of church background you bring to the table, we want you to know there is place for you here.
No pressure. No strings attached. Seriously.
We all are on a journey of finding and following Jesus. Our weekly services are designed to make you comfortable as you explore faith. It's our hope that you are able to check it out and see what the claims of scripture are all about.